Adding ESXi Hosts To vCenter 6.5 (Ravello AWS labs)

After installing vCenter in the (previous blogpost) we now need to add our ESXi Hosts to vCenter and Create a cluster.

Lab Requirements:

No Hosts in VCenter at this moment

Start all ESXi hosts (Verify that all 3 ESXi hosts are up and running)

Add all 3 hosts to VCenter Server ( I have ESXI hosts as shown above)

Step One

Create a Datacenter (Choose Create a Datacenter and name it whatever you want. Mine is LL Cloud DatacenterS)

Step Two

From the “Getting started” tab, select “Add host” and add your ESXi Hosts using ip Addresses. I have for my hosts.

Assign a license


Do this for all 3 ESXi hosts and your vCenter will look like this:

Now that we have all our hosts added, we can create a cluster and enable VSAN.